Agric Ministry inaugurates Committee to tackle food security.


The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security has drawn up members from relevant stakeholders in the Public and Private Sector to form sub committees of Logistics and Blending to come up with methods to exploit the 33,000 metric tons of Granular Potash Raw Material for subsequent distribution of finished product to subsistent farmers to boost food and nutrition security in the country.


These Committees who are also responsible to handle the upstream and downstream process of actualizing the overall objectives of government, amongst others was inaugurated by the Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Abubakar Kyari in his office recently.


During the inauguration, the Minister made it known that the core of it all is to enable government address the food emergence situation as well as the new administration’s commitment to revive and secure the nation’s food.


He said that it is a new dawn in Nigeria’s Agricultural Sector and the Ministry is fully primed to fully deploy all resources at its disposal to force the era of renewed hope for all.


Sen. Kyari further revealed that materials for blending the NPK Fertilizers can be sourced locally, while the DAP and Potash were imported. 


He tasked the committee members to ensure that the products were received and put to good use towards positively enhancing the situational realities of the people.


The Minister of State, Dr. Aliyu Abdullahi while speaking, informed the committee that one of its mandates was to eliminate poverty from Nigeria of which the Agric sector ought to play a great role; reminding them of the 8 point agenda unveiled by the President at the inaugural meeting; he further commended the Committee members and revealed that the meeting was a follow up on what was discussed at the Vice President’s Office.


The Technical Adviser on Sustainability, Office of the Vice President, Ms. Marion Moon who spoke later, stated that the Office of the Vice President is ready to support the Ministers to meet the objectives and address the issue of food security in Nigeria.



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